
About Me: Ondine
I love jewelry. Feathers, pieces of turquoise, sea pearls, the sparkle and shine of beautifully crafted objects have always been comforting and healing to me. My father’s crystal prism spinning from a string in the light was mesmerizing. In one form or another, I have made jewelry all my life—for myself, but mostly for my friends. It was a sideline, and fascinating to learn about the energy and properties that minerals and precious stones have and how that energy had an effect on my life.
I got a wake-up call a few years ago after my baby sister died from a sudden illness. I was devastated and thought how quickly life could end. I needed to radically change my life. At the time, I was commuting to New York City working in the entertainment industry. I took a leave of absence and threw myself into jewelry making as a way of moving through my grief. It felt good to work with the stones and get out of my head, and to fully use and extend my understanding of the synergy between the beauty of this jewelry and its healing properties.
Almost without conscious thought, LASIRENE came to life. And there is an important thing to note: The secret sauce is that my jewelry creates connection in surprising magical ways. Why is one person drawn to a particular moonstone, another to turquoise? The curiosity about the energy a stone gives off, the ancient history of how a semi-precious stone or crystal has been used as a talisman or amulet to heal and protect, and the effect it has on each different person is a conversation I never tire of having.
I love sharing, learning about and creating jewelry that people love to wear. It is my passion and truly brings me great joy.